Home :: Nimbie Sidekick NK50V Print Costs test report

Nimbie Sidekick NK50V Print Costs test report

How We Estimate Printing Costs on Ink Usage Per Disc


Test Result

Printer model EPSON Artisan 50 EPSON L800
Prints of a set of ink cartridges 600 discs 3000 discs
Cost of each print $0.14 USD $0.04 USD


Testing Process

  • After printer installation is completed, removed the original ink cartridges and replaced with a new set of cartridges.
  • Select a desired image to print, start printing until all ink cartridges are empty. When a certain color runs out of ink, the number of copies printed is recorded before replacing a new cartridge.
  • Total ink cartridges used / total prints = prints of each set of ink color.
  • Total cost of ink usage / total prints = cost of each print.


Test Envrionment

  • Temperature and Humidity:
    24° C/75° F at 35% humidity
  • Media:
    Inkjet Printable CD/DVD
  • Print Mode:
    Printer CD/DVD Default Mode
  • Software:
    EPSON Print CD & MyNK50V
  • Printer:
    EPSON Artisan 50 Inkjet Printer
  • Ink Cartridge:
    EPSON Artisan 50 Inkjet Printer / High-Capacity Multi-Pack Color (T077920)
    EPSON L800 Inkjet Printer / (T673***)
  • Image Printed:



  • Cost of discs is not included in the cost of print.
  • Cost of ink may vary depending on printing conditions, print modes, and medias.
  • Actual number of copies printed for each color may vary depending on print modes, printed image, interval time of printing, printing conditions, and printer maintenance frequency.
  • To protect printer heads and ensure print quality, inks are used for cleaning when the printer is turned on.
  • Cartridge cost is calcualated with the average of market prices.